Sponsorship Opportunities & Partnering Packages

The USA Pavilion at DEFEA 2025 presents several ways to emphasize your presence and maximize the impact of your participation.

The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce experienced team is looking forward to helping you decide which sponsorship opportunities that best suit your company’s needs.

NEW: USA Pavilion Sponsors’ Logos will be placed in prominent places at the Exhibition entrances and at DEFEA official site.


  • Strategic – Minimum exhibit area: 150m2 – Free booth (raw) space (30 sq. m.) and 25% discount on additional requested space.
  • Platinum – Minimum exhibit area: 80m2 – Free booth (raw) space (20 sq. m.) and 20% discount on additional requested space.
  • Gold – Minimum exhibit area: 50m2 – Free booth (raw) space (12 sq. m.) and 15% discount on additional requested space.
  • Silver Minimum exhibit area: 30m2 – Free booth (raw) space (9 sq. m.) and 10% discount on additional requested space.

8 Additional Partner / Event Exclusive Sponsor Options

  • USA Pavilion Seminar Area
  • USA Pavilion Reception
  • USA Pavilion Inauguration Ceremony
  • USA Pavilion Charging Lounge Sponsor
  • USA Pavilion Leadership Roundtable
  • USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Lounge
  • USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue
  • USA Pavilion Exhibitors Breakfast Briefing

Strategic Sponsors

Mandatory: Minimum exhibit area: 150m2

Cost: € 40.000


  • Company listing at www.USADefea.gr web site, including logo with link to sponsor’s website and 150 words profile plus interview for the Strategic & Platinum Categories– Prominent appearance.
  • Logo appearance at Amcham web site www.amcham.gr, including link to sponsor’s website acknowledging the company as sponsor with mention on the level of sponsorship – Prominent appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all promotional emails, newsletters, press releases, ads to the media, pre-exhibition marketing material with mention of the level of sponsorship (print, online, and social media) – Prominent appearance.
  • Social media posts (FB-TW-LI-INS) acknowledging the company as a sponsor, with mention of the level of sponsorship (4/month)


  • Free booth (raw) space 30m2 and 25% discount on the additional (>30m2) requested space.
  • Logo displayed on USA Pavilion sponsor’s board with mention on the level of sponsorship (Entrance-Registration Area-Common Use Areas-Exit of the USA Pavilion) – Prominent appearance.
  • Logo displayed at Metropolitan Expo – DEFEA Exhibition Entrances 1 & 2 – Prominent appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all USA Pavilion parallel events – Prominent appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all press releases and all post-event newsletters & tributes – Prominent appearance.
  • VIP seats and invitations to all USA Pavilion parallel events for company executives/guests USA Pavilion Exhibitors’: 8 invitees for the Exhibitors’ Breakfast Meeting and 12 invitees for the USA Pavilion Official Reception
  • A thanking acknowledgement will be addressed during all USA Pavilion parallel events by AmChamGR leadership.
  • Flash advertising banner advertisement on the USADefea website www.USADefea.gr.
  • Social media posts during the exhibition (14posts)
  • Two-pages ad & interview at prominent space at the Business Partners magazine – The magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce that will contain a tribute to Defense & Security Industries. 
  • Defea 2023 Tribute: https://usadefea.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BP126.pdf
  • Full-page company profile & logo & 1- page ad in the USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue that will be distributed free of charge to all USA Pavilion visitors.
  • Free of charge use of the USA Pavilion Seminar Room for 4 seminars/workshops/ presentations (max 45 minutes)
Download Approval Form
Download Strategic Exhibitor Contract

Platinum Sponsors

Mandatory: Minimum exhibit area: 80m2

Cost: € 30.000


  • Company listing at www.USADefea.gr web site, including logo with link to sponsor’s website and 100 words profile plus interview for the Strategic & Platinum Categories – Prime appearance.
  • Logo appearance at Amcham web site www.amcham.gr, including link to sponsor’s website acknowledging the company as sponsor with mention on the level of sponsorship – Prime appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all promotional emails, newsletters, press releases, ads to the media, pre-exhibition marketing material with mention of the level of sponsorship (print, online, and social media) – Prime appearance.
  • Social media posts (FB-TW-LI-INS) acknowledging the company as a sponsor, with mention of the level of sponsorship (3/month)


  • Free booth (raw) space 20m2 and 20% discount on the additional (>20m2) requested space.
  • Logo displayed on USA Pavilion sponsor’s board with mention on the level of sponsorship (Entrance-Registration Area-Common Use Areas-Exit of the USA Pavilion) – Prime appearance.
  • Logo displayed at Metropolitan Expo – DEFEA Exhibition Entrances 1 & 2 – Prime appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all USA Pavilion parallel events – Prime appearance.
  • Logo appearance in all press releases and all post-event newsletters & tributes – Prime appearance.
  • VIP seats and invitations to all USA Pavilion parallel events for company executives/guests USA Pavilion Exhibitors’:
  • Invitees for the Exhibitors’ Breakfast Meeting and 8 invitees for the USA Pavilion Official Reception
  • A thanking acknowledgement will be addressed during all USA Pavilion parallel events by AmChamGR leadership.
  • Flash advertising banner advertisement on the USADefea website www.USADefea.gr.
  • Social media posts during the exhibition (10posts)
  • One-page ad & interview at prime space at the Business Partners magazine – The magazine of the American-Hellenic
  • Chamber of Commerce that will contain a tribute to Defense & Security Industries.
  • Defea 2023 Tribute: https://usadefea.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BP126.pdf
  • Full-page company profile & logo & 1- page ad in the USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue that will be distributed free of charge to all USA Pavilion visitors.
  • Free of charge use of the USA Pavilion Seminar Room for 3 seminars/workshops/presentations (max 45 minutes)
Download Approval Form
Download Platinum Exhibitor Contract

Gold Sponsors

Mandatory: Minimum exhibit area: 50m2

Cost: € 20.000


  • Company listing at www.USADefea.gr web site, including logo with link to sponsor’s website and 75 words profile.
  • Logo appearance at Amcham web site www.amcham.gr, including link to sponsor’s website acknowledging the company as sponsor with mention on the level of sponsorship.
  • Logo appearance in all promotional emails, newsletters, press releases, ads to the media, pre-exhibition marketing material with mention of the level of sponsorship (print, online, and social media).
  • Social media posts (FB-TW-LI-INS) acknowledging the company as a sponsor, with mention of the level of sponsorship (2/month)


  • Free booth (raw) space 12m2 and 15% discount on the additional (>12m2) requested space.
  • Logo displayed on USA Pavilion sponsor’s board with mention on the level of sponsorship (Entrance-Registration Area-Common Use Areas-Exit of the USA Pavilion).
  • Logo displayed at Metropolitan Expo – DEFEA Exhibition Entrances 1 & 2.
  • Logo appearance in all USA Pavilion parallel events.
  • Logo appearance in all press releases and all post-event newsletters & tributes.
  • VIP seats and invitations to all USA Pavilion parallel events for company executives/guests USA Pavilion Exhibitors’: 4 invitees for the Exhibitors’ Breakfast Meeting and 6 invitees for the USA Pavilion Official Reception
  • A thanking acknowledgement will be addressed during all USA Pavilion parallel events by AmChamGR leadership.
  • Flash advertising banner advertisement on the USADefea website www.USADefea.gr.
  • Social media posts during the exhibition (6posts)
  • One-page ad & interview at the Business Partners magazine – The magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce that will contain a tribute to Defense & Security Industries.
  • Defea 2023 Tribute: https://usadefea.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BP126.pdf
  • Half-page company profile & logo & half- page ad in the USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue that will be distributed free of charge to all USA Pavilion visitors.
  • Free of charge use of the USA Pavilion Seminar Room for 2 seminars/workshops/presentations (max 45 minutes)
Download Approval Form
Download Gold Exhibitor Contract

Silver Sponsors

Mandatory: Minimum exhibit area: 30m2

Cost: € 10.000


  • Company listing at www.USADefea.gr web site, including logo with link to sponsor’s website and 50 words profile.
  • Logo appearance at Amcham web site www.amcham.gr, including link to sponsor’s website acknowledging the company as sponsor with mention on the level of sponsorship.
  • Logo appearance in all promotional emails, newsletters, press releases, ads to the media, pre-exhibition marketing material with mention of the level of sponsorship (print, online, and social media).
  • Social media posts (FB-TW-LI-INS) acknowledging the company as a sponsor, with mention of the level of sponsorship


  • Free booth (raw) space 9m2 and 10% discount on the additional (>9m2) requested space.
  • Logo displayed on USA Pavilion sponsor’s board with mention on the level of sponsorship (Entrance-Registration Area-Common Use Areas-Exit of the USA Pavilion).
  • Logo displayed at Metropolitan Expo – DEFEA Exhibition Entrances 1 & 2.
  • Logo appearance in all USA Pavilion parallel events.
  • Logo appearance in all press releases and all post-event newsletters & tributes.
  • VIP seats and invitations to all USA Pavilion parallel events for company executives/guests USA Pavilion Exhibitors’: 2 invitees for the Exhibitors’ Breakfast Meeting and 4 invitees for the USA Pavilion Official Reception
  • A thanking acknowledgement will be addressed during all USA Pavilion parallel events by AmChamGR leadership.
  • Flash advertising banner advertisement on the USADefea website www.USADefea.gr.
  • Social media posts during the exhibition (4posts)
  • One-page ad & interview at the Business Partners magazine – The magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce that will contain a tribute to Defense & Security Industries.
  • Defea 2023 Tribute: https://usadefea.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BP126.pdf
  • Half-page company profile & logo & half- page ad in the USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue that will be distributed free of charge to all USA Pavilion visitors.
  • Free of charge use of the USA Pavilion Seminar Room for 1 seminar/workshop/presentation (max 45 minutes)
Download Approval Form
Download Silver Exhibitor Contract

Sponsorship and Partnering Packages table

Additional Partner & Exclusive Events Sponsor Options

1. The USA Pavilion Seminar Area


A dedicated area within the USA Pavilion, will host a (free to attend) series of events (special presentations, seminars, workshops, open dialogues/debates) that will run alongside with the exhibition, offering an ideal environment for briefings on the latest technological developments and the most recent achievements within the defence industry.

Each USA Pavilion exhibitor will have the opportunity to make presentations under specific guidelines that will be announced in advance. The seminar and events program, as an integral part of the USA Pavilion will greatly benefit exhibitors, national and international visitors which will be informed about the seminar program in advance in order to express their interest in attending.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Company logo as Seminar Area Sponsor will be promoted through all communication with exhibitors and pre-exhibition marketing material, promotional emails, newsletters, press releases, ADs to the media
  • Logo appearance at Amcham and USADefea web sites acknowledging the company as Seminar Area Sponsor
  • Company logo will appear at a banner at the entrance of the seminar area
  • Acknowledgement as Seminar Area Sponsor in the USA Pavilion Catalogue including 1-page company profile and 1-page AD
  • Acknowledgment slide with sponsor’s logo during the breaks in the seminar room
Download Approval Form

2. USA Pavilion Reception


The USA Pavilion Reception will be organized at a prominent place were key government, military officials and business representatives will be invited. The U.S. Ambassador to Greece will be invited to host the event.

Place your brand at this premium event where all exhibitors and VIP guests will gather to network.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Company logo as USA Pavilion Reception Sponsor will be placed at the signage on-site and next to all catering stations
  • Podium acknowledgement as USA Pavilion Reception Sponsor
  • Logo appearance at Amcham and USADefea web sites acknowledging the company as USA Pavilion Reception Sponsor
  • 1-page AD at the USA Pavilion Catalogue
Download Approval Form

3. Charging Lounge


The USA Pavilion Visitors and Exhibitors will enjoy a relaxing area to charge-up and network within the Pavilion. Electric outlets for charging will be placed in this furnished and carpeted area.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • The charging lounge sponsor will have the opportunity to place company’s brand inside and outside the room and at the USA Pavilion entrance
  • As recognition of the sponsorship, a full-page AD will be included in the USA Pavilion Catalogue
  • Presence as USA Pavilion Exhibitor’s Lounge Sponsor at AmChamGR and USADefea Websites
  • AD at the USA Pavilion Catalogue
Download Approval Form

4. Leadership Roundtable


The Leadership Roundtable will bring together leaders from business, government and academia under a theme reflecting regional challenges and opportunities. A highly targeted event.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Event sponsor will be mentioned to all relative communication and invitations
  • Your company’s senior executive officer will join the event
  • Signage identifying your firm as the Leadership Roundtable Sponsor will be placed at the entrance of the event
  • Ability to get involved in the agenda of this meeting
Download Approval Form

5. USA Pavilion Inauguration Ceremony


The USA Pavilion Inauguration Ceremony will take place on-site right after the official opening of DEFEA 2021. Governmental and local authorities’ representatives, business and community leaders will be invited to participate and meet the “big players” of the defense and security markets at the USA Pavilion. Your company will be mentioned as sponsor to all printed and digitally circulated announcements.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Signage identifying your firm as the inauguration ceremony sponsor will be placed near the entrance and adjacent to the speaker’s podium.
  • Podium acknowledgement as USA Pavilion USA Pavilion Inauguration Ceremony Sponsor
  • Logo appearance at Amcham and USADefea web sites acknowledging the company as USA Pavilion Inauguration Ceremony Sponsor
  • 1-page AD at the USA Pavilion Catalogue
Download Approval Form

6. USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Lounge


The USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Lounge is a special gathering area, inside the Pavilion, whereby USA Pavilion exhibitors and their guests may enjoy coffee and refreshments, free of charge, while network with each other.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Sponsorship of the lounge will give you an opportunity to place your brand inside and outside the room
  • Your logo will be placed at the special USA Pavilion Exhibitor cards which are mandatory for the use of the lounge
  • Presence as USA Pavilion Exhibitor’s Lounge Sponsor at AmChamGR and USADefea Websites and the USA Pavilion Catalogue.
Download Approval Form

7. USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue


USA Pavilion Exhibitors’ Catalogue: A powerful and effective way to reinforce your presence and maximize the impact of your participation. The official exhibition catalogue will be distributed to all visitors of the USA Pavilion, as a complete reference to the products and services exhibited at the USA Pavilion and as a valuable marketing tool for ongoing referral.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • Inside front cover advertisement
  • Premium listing at the front pages of the Catalogue
  • Sponsor will be mention at the on-line issue at AmChamGR and USADefea site
Download Approval Form

8. USA Pavilion Exhibitors Breakfast Briefing


A business meeting for all the Exhibitors of the USA Pavilion will be organized in order to inform them on the defense market in Greece and the wider region. An excellent networking opportunity for all the exhibitors where they will be informed about the current developments in defense and security sectors in Greece and the wider region. U.S. Embassy officials, ODC Officers and GDDIA Officers will address the participants.

Sponsor’s Benefits include:

  • At the breakfast your logo will be strategically placed throughout the room recognizing your support
  • Sponsor’s representatives will seat at the head table with senior military officials
  • Company will be allowed to distribute company’s promotional material
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